Thursday, June 09, 2011

You Already Know These

Now that I think of it, gw suka banget sama ayam2 di background ini. They're CUTE! with their fake fur, and fake plastic eyes, fake plastic claws and all...

They said, you know, those ancient alien theorists, that we're a hybrid of alien-humanoid DNA. 
that's kinda crazy. right?

sebenarnya sebelum gw familiar sama the whole ancient aliens thingy, gw terpikir why we humans seem so out of place on Earth. the only thing that made us look natural is because we lived here for waaaaay too long. if you think of it, and observe...animals are built perfectly to adapt and harness whatever the green earth gave. i mean, they got built in compass, they can tell when storms are coming without any calculation or without watching the skies, they seem to be in sync with the whole system you know, like in the Avatar thing...

but we seem so weird compared to them. we need to create our own environment to survive, as minimum as it is...we need to settle while the rest of the animals species is migrating every year. constantly in motion (panah kiri keyboard laptop gw rusak...ternyata se-ga enak itu...meh). you know, those kind of stuff...
don't you think that's weird? mungkin harusnya spesies terpintar di bumi itu mentok sampe simpanse until we came along.
sebenarnya ini terpikir gara2 gw nonton The Great Migrations-nya NGC...dan lama2 jadi makin aneh...dan tiba2 i bumped into this whole ancient aliens theory (remember, they called it a THEORY. i think they mean business), and they just like justify my whole thought. it's totally twilight zone, man. i think i'm turning hippy.

oh no.

but maybe...this is why it is soo important to us to know what is our purpose (beside because of our enormous brain). mungkin karena kita merasa aneh disini, but here we are, makanya kita jadi perlu tau "buat apa gw disini? mau ngapain?"
it's not power...power consumes you (most of the time)
it's not money...they make you paranoid...haha! :p
it's not...eerrr...what else? love? have nothing to say about that one man. too abstract to put for words. believe me, human race have tried and i think we're still quite clueless.

probably you think i'm quite the atheist by now...menurut gw apa yg lo percaya itu tergantung sama apa yang lo encounter dalam keseharian dan lingkungan lo. jadi mungkin kalau mau memperoleh that true faith, you should isolate yourself from the world...apalagi kalo lo gampang terpengaruhnya kayak gw :p

kayak kemaren i chat with this guy on omegle and boy did he went all religious on me the moment he knew i'm from Indonesia. thought i was one of those girls with burkah and veil and stuff. where the hell did that came from?
the terrorists...yeah. those bearded mindless people

dua jam gw chat sama dia ngomongin isu2 berat dan sebisa mungkin ngeyakinin dia klo ga semua orang islam maniak bikin bom dan tau nomor telepon markas Al-Qaeda (shit)
but! during the whole thing gw merasa sangat pintar. ahaha! entahlah, rasanya itu chat yg berguna aja dibanding orang2 horny yang cuma mau sex-chat. 
tapi kalo dipikir knp ya?
kenapa penting sekali untuk memaksakan kepercaayaan kita ke orang lain? dulu perang salib, sekarang teroris's history all over again.
padahal kan harusnya klo memang cuma ada satu Tuhan, ga penting gimana cara lo berhubungan as long as you're okay and believe with it dan ga nyusahin/ganggu orang lain. kan emang ga ada agama yg lebih bener dari yg lain. it's not important. spread love, not hate. nyusahin deh. ga cape apa benci2 ga karuan gitu sm orang lain?

well, klo pun di dlm the holy book disebut hal2 yg mengandung kekerasan...WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU FOCUS ON THAT, FOR F*CK SAKE?
that's why i think it's not very healthy to just read it without understanding any ethics. 

i LOOOVE ethics. i LOOOVE its simplicity. kalo ga mau dijahatin, ya jgn ngejahatin orang. anggap orang lain itu elo...mau ga lo sendiri dijahatin? ga kan? lagian entar karma juga meen...nabung hal2 buruk, as if there isn't enough bad things as it is.
mungkin kalo untuk implikasinya sekarang akan berbeda. lo orang baik2, ga pernah ngapa2in orang (tapi gw ga percaya sih...we must've hurt people somewhere in our life. we're humans, not saints), tapi tiba2 kena kejadian yg buruk bgt. mungkin ini perbedaan sudut pandang aja. kita sama orang lain punya sudut pandang. mungkin lo pernah melakukan sesuatu yg kurang enak ke org lain...di elo itu kadarnya ya cuma segitu, tapi mungkin di dia beda. maybe it hurt that person so...dan makanya skrg lo kena bad karma. 

believe it or not, i learned that from a manga. 

mangaka kadang lebih pinter dari guru/dosen gw. on life, i mean :))

dan kenapa pelajaran membosankan? kenapa jumlah murid yang beneran suka sekolah bisa kehitung jari?
padahal kita makhluk yg dasarnya sangat ingin tahu. learning developed from that basic need of knowing. harusnya kan kalo kayak gitu belajar dan segalanya itu kegiatan yang luar biasa asiknya.
but i learn kalau mungkin ini jadi salah karena di-institusikan dan dibisniskan. i dont mind the system, even though there would be nice to have some change.ya susah sih...i think we descent too far down the shithole. ngekritik sih gampang... :p (it's easy! sumpah deh! bisa bikin lo jadi dosen bertahun2 cuma gara2 ini aja. Contact me if you need living proof)

i think trouble really came to the human race the moment we invented money and currency and decided to trade with it.

"Men make counterfeit money; in many more cases, money makes counterfeit men.
-Sydney J. Harris-

P.S.: The dude was an american journalist, if you wanna know ;)