Saturday, November 27, 2010

Men and Women are from Venus

See she so sexy, the way she talks, the way she walks
It really drives me crazy, I think I like you girl
Enjoys the moment, and takes her time, and does it right
Cause she not just the average, I really like you girl

And something about her lips, the way she kiss
The way she walks them heads go
I see her like I should, Oh then she'll look, and it's so sweet
It knocks me right up off my feet, now baby, I see her like I should

Oh, Girl I'll never give you up
Cause ain't no other good enough
And nothing can compare to you
I waited all my life to be with you

Oh, here I stand and when I fall
Only you'll come back for more
Greatest love you'll ever see
And girl your love is good for me

Girl you, got me, thinking, bout you, everyday
Men can't believe her now,
I wanna say, her touch, her smile, keeps me, livin right
I gotta say, she's the best for me
(I guess I tried and tried), to hide the way I feel
I can't explain it, can't explain it
it's just too damn good
So I can tell the world, you got my heart
I love your mind design

Your love is so damn divine
you're always on my mind    Raphael Saadiq-Never Give You Up      Itu barusan sepotong lirik from one of the song that i DO adore at these moments...notice the lyrics? penuh dengan pujian buat cewek...haha!  lately I realize that MEN tend to write/sing these kind of songs. WHY?  jarang sekali gw nemuin cewek nyanyiin lagu2 kayak gini...although bukannya ga ada sama sekali, tapi prosentasenya dibandingin sama lagu2 model kayak gini yang dinyanyiin sama cowok itu mungkin sekitar 70% - 30%* Most of the time women seems to sang about broken hearted by a guy or cheated by a guy, or the such...  Aneh kan?  that got me thinking...kalau dari jaman dahulu kala, dari zaman penyanyi sejenis Engelbert Humperdink  atau Elvis atau Julio Iglesias selalu cowok yang nyanyi2 model kayak gini, what if kalau sebenanrnya, genetically, men are made for this kind of stuff?  men are created with a built-in ability to ( ga tau inggrisnya soo...) MERAYU.  tadaaaaa! :D  what if:cowok memang dikasi kemampuan untuk merangkai kata2 bagus yang romantis yg bisa bikin cewek beleleran ke penjuru lantai dengan muka merah merona dan dada yg deg2an lalu setelah udah beres meleleh2 kemana2, lelehan2 itu ngambang di udara, with white wings attached and all, dan...eventually will come down... haha!  ngaco deh ah... but it's true ;))

daaan...considering men are made for women...gue pun terpikir kalau what if (juga) (maaaan, this entry is choke-full of 'what-ifs') men are designed like this because in fact women juga suka suka dirayu! 

come oon, admit it you girls, dirayu itu menyenangkan...ya kaan?
mengingat selama rayuannya ga cheesy dan kyk om2 senang :p

i mean, senolak2nya cewek dirayu, entah pakai kata2 atau surprise atau apa...they love it!
WE love it! :D

ga ada cewek yg ga suka dirayu...belum nemu gw...bahkan yang tomboi sekalipun...
trust me.
mungkin caranya harus beda2 dan cowok juga punya banyak cara beda untuk ngerayu anyway soo...ya gitulah!

cowok dibuat suka ngerayu
cewek dibuat senang dirayu
perfect match.

i have NO IDEA what i just wrote...
most the time, i blabber :p

*) menurut tebak2an Amalia dan sama sekali tidak ilmiah

Thursday, November 18, 2010


sebuah event di angkot menuju kampus (well, sbenarnya ga menuju kampus juga naik angkot buat nyamperin temen gw karena mau nebeng ke kampus) dan banyak event/pengamatan lain yang serupa sebelumnya made me come to the conclusions that:

God, or whatever created us, is fair.

jadi kejadian kemaren di angkot itu adalah berikut:
pas gw naik angkot itu, gw duduk tepat di sebelah seorang spesimen cowok yang guanteeeeeeeng buangeeeet. i mean, gantengnya bukan level ganteng yang biasa lo temuin di angkot, if you know what i mean. simply put, he was too hunky to be put in any (jakarta) public transportation.

kulit putih, dengan brewok2 halus krn mungkin belum cukuran di wajah and well...he's just plain yummy. bajunya sih biasa, sangat anak kuliahan. gw sempet lirik2 ke dia, the guy seemed cool enough. kayaknya pembawaannya asik.

gw sebenernya sempet bingung juga tumben amaat hari gini nemu makhluk kayak begitu dlm angkot pula :p

anyhoo...yaudah, jalanlah tuh angkot...dia diem2 aja, gw juga, sampai akhirnya hp dia bunyi. dia angkat, tapi gw ga bisa denger dia ngomong apa awal2. lalu lama2 tone serta volume suaranya makin keras. sepertinya do'i ditlp pacarnya dan kemudian dengan hebatnya berantem di tlp di dalam angkot. yea right, cowok se-oke itu belum punya cewek, Mal, gw mikir.

lalu lama2 tone suaranya terdengar makin aneh di telinga gw. ada yang out of place...
makin gw dengerin kok suara nih cowok makin ga enak ya di telinga gw?
gw dengerin, gw dengerin, gw dengerin...(bahkan sampai gw turun dia blm selesai2 juga...blaaahh)dan...akhirnya gw tau apa yang salah:

tone dan suara tuh cowok kayak banci ngambek.

gw nyaris teriak histeris pas menyadari hal ini.
mendingan tadi dia diem aja atau ngomong di tlpnya ga keras sama sekali biar gw ga bisa denger...bzzzz -___-""
(untung kribo suaranya normal...*phewh*)

anyhoo, gw segera menceritakan event ini ke temen gw yang juga mengalami nasib serupa. dia pernah dikenalin sm cowok yg nilainya tuh (assuming 10 adalah paling sempurna) sekitar 15. oke parah! pilot, tajir sampe kentut duit, guanteng..all the good stuff in a basket. tapi...taunya gay...

LAAAAHH...gimana dong?? o_O"

lalu gw juga sering banget ngeliat cewek yg mukanya (ehm, maaf yaa...bukannya gw sok cantik binti seksi atau apa) rada2 mirip 'villager', tapi badannya seksi parrraaah!
juga sering gw nemu cewek2 yg physicly gorgeous, tapi kelakuannya rada2..

akhirnya hari itu, siang itu di kelas, gw dan temen gw dengan yakin mengambil kesimpulan kalau, well, Tuhan itu, our creator, adil.
mungkin adilnya rada ga masuk akal di kita, ya kalau emang adil kenapa ga ciptan semua org cantik/ganteng sempurna dan kepribadian kayak putri salju sama pangeran? ya kaaan? :3

"yaa...god is a weird,, freaky, unphatomable kind of way" adalah kesimpulan yg kami ambil hari itu.

and lately i realized ga semua yang lo anggap minus di lo itu bakal terlihat minus dimata orang. they might even see it as your signature. your fingerprint in human history or whatnot. lo punya sesuatu yang buat mereka liat lo jadi khas dan well, he/she might just like you because of that, right? :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Free Will, anyone?

the good thing about cable TV is you get to watch the good stuff...the REALLY good stuff

you're not stuck in this small little comfort bubble thinking that you know enough, that you can cope with what going on in the outside world..

we don't get to know what went behind the closed company doors...we NEVER do...
we never know that we are all controlled drones who thought our self were so original, so unique
well, that's a big WRONG

those people are smart,, frighteningly smart...
they planned our lives secretly, because these days you are what you buy, yea?
well, they planned what we buy, before we even step into the store

crazy stuff man...

'we need to know what they wanted to buy, before they even know it'
semua yg gw dan lo mau sekarang ini...everything came pre-designed
free-will sounded a lot of lies right now

menurut lo kenapa warna mobil putih nge-trend banget sekarang??
because some smart guy assumed so...three years ago
dan putihlah semua mobil di jalanan...padahal dulu warna mobil putih dianggap buat mobil kelas menengah ke bawah...sekarang banyak mobil milyaran warnanya putih

mereka tau apa lo mau dan apa yang nanti akan lo mau
they make you want
then they sell you what you thought you want

they go to the extent of fooling our senses...

a Hotel in Berlin in looking for a perfect aroma for their hotel franchise worldwide supaya orang2 tertarik untuk masuk dan yang udah pernah kesana akan selalu inget sama mereka dan terus kembali...

i mean, bahkan hidung lo bisa dimanipulasi..
dan ini ga bercanda...ada ahlinya...
dan maksud gw bukan wangi parfum jeruk/apel model Stella pengharum ruangan :p

bau2an natural...seperti bau udara kota, atau bau pegunungan Swiss
apparently those things are able to be put in a bottle to be later use to tingles our senses

watching this kind of program got me thinking:

is there still any such thing as a 'free will'?
gimana kalau sebenarnya semua yang lo lakuin, saat ini,sekarang, bukan berasal dari keinginan terdalam lo sendiri, melainkan karena faktor luar, those subtle pre-designed stimulantsyang mengarahkan lo untuk begini dan begitu?
apakah lo ngejalanin hidup lo udah bener2 berdasar sama kemauan naluri lo?

kalau dipikir2 we spent our lives being controlled...
kita lahir...kita dipakaian baju sm orang tua kita
lalu kita disekolahin

apa waktu itu kita udah bisa mikir bahwa ini yang kita mau?
belum...karena so far yang kita mau saat itu cuma main, tidur, sama makan. karena waktu itu kita belum bisa mikri buat diri kita sendiri, then others would do the thinking for us

tapi bukanya dengan kayak gitu they mold us into their shape instead of letting us take our own form?

mungkin nanti seiring lo tumbuh lo akan mulai nyari jati diri lo sendiri...berusaha keluar dari bentuk lo sebelumnya, mungkin karena ada bbrp hal yang lo rasa ga cocok...tapi apa yang udah kita lamin sejak bayi itu akan tetap bawha sadar kita...

so maybe we can't really think for ourselves

atau mungkin karena kalau kita mikir semua sendiri itu akan terlalu buang waktu dan melelahkan untuk satu manusia makanya masyarakat membantuk struktur sosial plus aturannya supaya ada beberapa yang kita anggapga terlalu perlu kita pikrin?

and those people behind those closed doors realized this before we do and take gain for their economical advantage?

i shouldn't think so much, perhaps...
kadang rasanya yang gw pikirin terlalu besar kapasitas dan kedalamannya buat pikiran gw sendiri

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Are We Really What We Think We Are?

gw baru aja nonton The Great Migrations kemaren...and it just struck me:

Are we humans really came from Earth?

karena sepanjang acara itu gw melihat semua binatang dan tumbuhan sepertinya seem to be created to functioned perfectly with how Earth works...

whales have sensors so they can navigate through reading the Earth's does butterfly...

semua makhluk hidup kecuali kita tampak didesain SEMPURNA untuk berfungsi dan memanfaatkan semua hal yg ada di sekitar mereka di Bumi dengan sempurna dan almost effortless...

and this made us looked so out of place...


kenapa manusia ga dilengkapi sensor seperti itu?
kenapa manusia tampak seperti berusaha hidup bertentangan dengan sistem kerja Bumi?
why do we built cities?
why do we built houses? why don't we migrate? what urges us to stay in one place?

all these how and whys been buzzing in my head...dan ga cuma karena acara ini aja...sebelum2nya gw juga udah sering terpikir kayak gini...

are we aliens?

did we, our ancestors, fell down their spaceship, or abandoned here?
why do we always look up to the stars, searching?
are we, somewhere printed within our genomes, waiting to be rescued?


kalo lo ngeliat kota dan kemudian ngeliat hutan...lo pasti akan nyadar kalo 2 hal ini terlalu berbeda...and forests grow on Earth, not cities...

am I insane?


school taught you shit.

it taught you nothing.
now tell does memorizing the whole trigonometry or insect respiratory systems worked out for you?

maksud gw adalah...sekolah ga ngajarin hal-hal yang menurut gw lebih penting (sadar atau tanpa kita sadari) dalam hidup.
Admit it.
waktu lo SMP, during puberty, when you start to grow boobs, and like guys and bleed out of you vagina once a month (except maybe boys who seemed to be having fun with their wet dreams), or getting fat, and the hormonal imbalances, or worrying about how you look, and those acnes...oh my god!!! di saat lo terbingung2 sama orang2 lain yg tampaknya baik2 aja ngelaluin semua itu. they were having fun, well at least they're doing okay...
they look okay, the got boyfriends/girlfriends (ok, biar gampang anggap tiap gw nulis 'boyfriend' itu berarti implies to 'girlfriend' also). these people, they seemed to breeze through it all...they got boys standing in line for them, and they look great, and they in. they fit right in.

and you just stood there...hopelessly, throbbing for this guy/girl that you liked and know that you might not have any chance because those fit-right-in people just stole their attention away from you. while you just have to groan in desperation everytime you look into the mirror...wishing for a plastic surgery.

sekolah ga nolong lo di masa2 ini...masa lo BUTUH untuk fit in...untuk diterima, untuk you would not be alone...because you realize that now you have the capability to like that other gender. you wanna be with them.

you're a social being, just like God had intended.
Adam and Eve and all that stuff.

sekolah ga ngajarin lo gimana caranya lo bisa diterima, gimana lo bisa disukai, how to get that guy/girl that you liked since 7th grade.


karena gw ngerasain semua yg gw pelajarin di sekolah...12 tahun...cuma 10% yg bener2 kepake...dan itu cuma pelajaran moral...but hey, you can learn morality from anywhere. so it doesn't really count... :p

karena what i see is this whole thing...the school, the job, the like an ultra complicated mating-ritual for human. it's insane!

karena eventually you'll fall in love...and you want, no, need someone to be with...and...weell...this whole systems, the norms, the every thing that ruled our lives or how we lived it, these man-made stuff, just complicated things up.

society complicated things.

our brain complicate things.

sorry for being, maybe, too freud-ish...but what he said is the thing that made the most sense to me for now, although not in the extreme.

tapi seharusnya what were being taught at school are how to fit in, how to mingle, how to attract you opposite sex, how to make good impression to people, karena in the end, during that whole job interview thing, what counts is when you leave a good impression on them. that's it.

mungkin bicara gw terlalu dangkal karena gimana pun science helped us. GREATLY. tapi maksud gw in an horizontal relationship between humans, they don't count. not at all.

we complicated things. maybe it's in our nature. maybe because we have brain. because if we got a really big brain and not using it, it'll be such a waste. so we complicated things up. we make these rules and norms and others...
or maybe i'm just being to shallow and freud-ish...

sorry if I am...i'm just saying what I see... :)