Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Question

Greetings, fake-plastic-but-utterly-cute chickies! :D

How do we get on with this here? Gw selalu bingung nyari kalimat pembuka buat ginian, that's why it always ended up awkward and tacky --'

Anyways! Bought some new books! YEAY!!

  1. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, which was ultimate fun and utter pointlessness (haha!). I love you Douglas Adams! His jokes is just SOO me! Sarcastic because the guy is just too witty in a very quirky way
  2. Trainspotting, i'm a bit influenced by the movie...haven't watched it, heard it was 'best british movie ever', so I just kinda go for it...haha! haven't started reading it, but i love the book design 
  3. A Clockwork Orange, because I don't quite 'get' the movie, maybe the novel would help. (as IF...I read the first sentence and I was lost. Maybe it's the cockney rhyme? Is Burgess british??)
There are two things that I can't control myself with: Books and body treatment products (am a sucker for Body Shop)..hahaha! I LOVE being a girl!

Masih 'menantangi' skripsi...yah, saya lamban...pembimbing saya tak peduli, dan saya tak peduli dia tidak peduli. Harusnya ga gini sih...tapi yaudahlah, sepertinya memang harus bersolo karir sampai lulus :)

Lalu hidup gw mau dibawa kemana? Lebih tepatnya diapain?
Gw mau gw bisa hidup dari passion gw...that is the life to envy, I think.
Tapi apakah passion gw?
...bingung deh kan...
I'm interested to many things to be honest...reading, writing, books, music, cooking, driving (yea, gw mau jadi pembalap kalo gw bisa). Tapi you can't be good at everything...lo harus fokus aja ke yang bener2 lo cintai dan kerjain. Udah.
...hmmm..padahal gw ga terlalu pengen ngerencanain hidup gw...tapi apakah dengan begitu gw bisa sukses? Coz I wanna live the GOOD life, siapa sih yang ga? Tapi itu tergantung apa definisi dari 'good' itu sendiri...buat tiap orang beda2...I haven't found mine yet.

Gila jadi twentysomething tuh ribet ya...gw ngerti banget maksud lo, Jamie Cullum ;)

Sometimes I look around and found some people really having it good...stuff just come to them, and the stuff are the stuff that they love. Ini apa maksudnya, Tuhan??
You are your choices...and your effort. Somehow gw jadi mengambil kesimpulan kalau makin susah pilihan yang lo ambil, you'll turn out better one day.

Mungkin berdasarkan hipotesa asal2an ini gw memutuskan untuk nyekripsi...hahaha!
Apa banget deh! (nulis buku 50 hlm tuh kayak gini ya rasanya...nyeeeh)

but, really, seriously, gw mau bisa bener2 hidup dri passion gw. Karena kalau pun bakalan berat, ya gw akan just keep on pushing, because knowing that I'm doing what I love made all the effort worth it, dan gw rasa ga akan ada penyesalan yang berarti sampai gw ga bisa bangun lagi and push forward :)

So, what about you?
(Yaa kalau rancu model gw...liat nanti aja deh, gw juga belum tau. I'll let you know if I find out)

Oh, Oh! I just found this new awesome, super creative game: http://www.bored.com/game/play/273/Causality_.html
It's called Causality, it's free. Your whole objective is to kill ALL the Stickmen without the other Stickmen watching. I got addicted...sumpah!