Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Free Will, anyone?

the good thing about cable TV is you get to watch the good stuff...the REALLY good stuff

you're not stuck in this small little comfort bubble thinking that you know enough, that you can cope with what going on in the outside world..

we don't get to know what went behind the closed company doors...we NEVER do...
we never know that we are all controlled drones who thought our self were so original, so unique
well, that's a big WRONG

those people are smart, man...like, frighteningly smart...
they planned our lives secretly, because these days you are what you buy, yea?
well, they planned what we buy, before we even step into the store

crazy stuff man...

'we need to know what they wanted to buy, before they even know it'
semua yg gw dan lo mau sekarang ini...everything came pre-designed
free-will sounded a lot of lies right now

menurut lo kenapa warna mobil putih nge-trend banget sekarang??
because some smart guy assumed so...three years ago
dan putihlah semua mobil di jalanan...padahal dulu warna mobil putih dianggap buat mobil kelas menengah ke bawah...sekarang banyak mobil milyaran warnanya putih

mereka tau apa lo mau dan apa yang nanti akan lo mau
they make you want
then they sell you what you thought you want

they go to the extent of fooling our senses...

a Hotel in Berlin in looking for a perfect aroma for their hotel franchise worldwide supaya orang2 tertarik untuk masuk dan yang udah pernah kesana akan selalu inget sama mereka dan terus kembali...

i mean, bahkan hidung lo bisa dimanipulasi..
dan ini ga bercanda...ada ahlinya...
dan maksud gw bukan wangi parfum jeruk/apel model Stella pengharum ruangan :p

bau2an natural...seperti bau udara kota, atau bau pegunungan Swiss
apparently those things are able to be put in a bottle to be later use to tingles our senses

watching this kind of program got me thinking:

is there still any such thing as a 'free will'?
gimana kalau sebenarnya semua yang lo lakuin, saat ini,sekarang, bukan berasal dari keinginan terdalam lo sendiri, melainkan karena faktor luar, those subtle pre-designed stimulantsyang mengarahkan lo untuk begini dan begitu?
apakah lo ngejalanin hidup lo udah bener2 berdasar sama kemauan naluri lo?

kalau dipikir2 we spent our lives being controlled...
kita lahir...kita dipakaian baju sm orang tua kita
lalu kita disekolahin

apa waktu itu kita udah bisa mikir bahwa ini yang kita mau?
belum...karena so far yang kita mau saat itu cuma main, tidur, sama makan. karena waktu itu kita belum bisa mikri buat diri kita sendiri, then others would do the thinking for us

tapi bukanya dengan kayak gitu they mold us into their shape instead of letting us take our own form?

mungkin nanti seiring lo tumbuh lo akan mulai nyari jati diri lo sendiri...berusaha keluar dari bentuk lo sebelumnya, mungkin karena ada bbrp hal yang lo rasa ga cocok...tapi apa yang udah kita lamin sejak bayi itu akan tetap bawha sadar kita...

so maybe we can't really think for ourselves

atau mungkin karena kalau kita mikir semua sendiri itu akan terlalu buang waktu dan melelahkan untuk satu manusia makanya masyarakat membantuk struktur sosial plus aturannya supaya ada beberapa yang kita anggapga terlalu perlu kita pikrin?

and those people behind those closed doors realized this before we do and take gain for their economical advantage?

i shouldn't think so much, perhaps...
kadang rasanya yang gw pikirin terlalu besar kapasitas dan kedalamannya buat pikiran gw sendiri

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