Wednesday, November 10, 2010


school taught you shit.

it taught you nothing.
now tell does memorizing the whole trigonometry or insect respiratory systems worked out for you?

maksud gw adalah...sekolah ga ngajarin hal-hal yang menurut gw lebih penting (sadar atau tanpa kita sadari) dalam hidup.
Admit it.
waktu lo SMP, during puberty, when you start to grow boobs, and like guys and bleed out of you vagina once a month (except maybe boys who seemed to be having fun with their wet dreams), or getting fat, and the hormonal imbalances, or worrying about how you look, and those acnes...oh my god!!! di saat lo terbingung2 sama orang2 lain yg tampaknya baik2 aja ngelaluin semua itu. they were having fun, well at least they're doing okay...
they look okay, the got boyfriends/girlfriends (ok, biar gampang anggap tiap gw nulis 'boyfriend' itu berarti implies to 'girlfriend' also). these people, they seemed to breeze through it all...they got boys standing in line for them, and they look great, and they in. they fit right in.

and you just stood there...hopelessly, throbbing for this guy/girl that you liked and know that you might not have any chance because those fit-right-in people just stole their attention away from you. while you just have to groan in desperation everytime you look into the mirror...wishing for a plastic surgery.

sekolah ga nolong lo di masa2 ini...masa lo BUTUH untuk fit in...untuk diterima, untuk you would not be alone...because you realize that now you have the capability to like that other gender. you wanna be with them.

you're a social being, just like God had intended.
Adam and Eve and all that stuff.

sekolah ga ngajarin lo gimana caranya lo bisa diterima, gimana lo bisa disukai, how to get that guy/girl that you liked since 7th grade.


karena gw ngerasain semua yg gw pelajarin di sekolah...12 tahun...cuma 10% yg bener2 kepake...dan itu cuma pelajaran moral...but hey, you can learn morality from anywhere. so it doesn't really count... :p

karena what i see is this whole thing...the school, the job, the like an ultra complicated mating-ritual for human. it's insane!

karena eventually you'll fall in love...and you want, no, need someone to be with...and...weell...this whole systems, the norms, the every thing that ruled our lives or how we lived it, these man-made stuff, just complicated things up.

society complicated things.

our brain complicate things.

sorry for being, maybe, too freud-ish...but what he said is the thing that made the most sense to me for now, although not in the extreme.

tapi seharusnya what were being taught at school are how to fit in, how to mingle, how to attract you opposite sex, how to make good impression to people, karena in the end, during that whole job interview thing, what counts is when you leave a good impression on them. that's it.

mungkin bicara gw terlalu dangkal karena gimana pun science helped us. GREATLY. tapi maksud gw in an horizontal relationship between humans, they don't count. not at all.

we complicated things. maybe it's in our nature. maybe because we have brain. because if we got a really big brain and not using it, it'll be such a waste. so we complicated things up. we make these rules and norms and others...
or maybe i'm just being to shallow and freud-ish...

sorry if I am...i'm just saying what I see... :)

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